There’s no better way to celebrate freedom than on a boat with your friends!
Be the coolest kid in the Zoom meeting!
Here’s an article on how to use OBS with Zoom. Caution, it’s bleeding edge at this point and not quite production ready…
How to use a virtual camera for Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet in OBS for Mac
Workaround for code signing in MacOs 10.15.3 Catalina
APPLICATION=/Applications/ && codesign -d --entitlements :- $APPLICATION | { xml2; echo "/plist/dict/"; echo "/plist/dict/true"; } | 2xml > entitlements.xml && sudo codesign --sign - $APPLICATION --force --preserve-metadata=identifier,resource-rules,flags --entitlements=entitlements.xml && rm entitlements.xml
Tip: you’ll need to re-authorize mic/webcam/screensharing in Zoom after re-signing the code. So don’t forget to run through a test meeting first to make sure everything is working before going into an important meeting.
VJ effects in Resolume
A little video I made in Resolume using footage I recorded of my stunt kite.
Sunset at 10 Mile Beach in Fort Bragg
Captured a sunset walk with some friends in my home town of Fort Bragg
Video Ad with Drone Footage
Here’s a quick ad spot I made for a gutter installer.